Tasheni’s The Isles Of Teia LE

Tasheni’s The Isles Of Teia LE
Size: 1,5 GB
Version: 5.0
Published: April 10, 2022

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Ready for holidays?

The Le Version of my beautiful mod The Isles of Teia is a bit more advanced than the SE version. I added two cozy igloos on Angalayond and the cocoon houses are now furnished. In the igloos is enough room for six followers, in the cocoon houses are four beds – two in each. And I added an awesome labyrinth to Teia Silaselis – I hope you have fun.

Requirements: Dawnguard and Dragonborn, SKSE for the boats to work.

Please read the description from the SE modpage: Tasheni’s The Isles Of Teia SE

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